Jessica Wallace


Badges Earned

Campaigns Managing

STOP This Unethical Act of Cat Dissection In Schoo...

Every year, high schools across the country dissect millions of animals, including many...


Human activities are putting Florida Panthers at risk. The construction industry is a major threa...

The average American rural home does not have Inte...

It is estimated that by 2022, many of us will have broadband access. The internet is integral to ...

Vermont Hound Hunting Must Be Stopped!

We demand STOP to the cruel tradition of hound hunting in Vermont!Residents and wildlife are at r...

Helps VETERANS establish back to civilians with ea...

Let's help veterans get back to normal civilian life with ease! The...

The Chicago Police Training Needs An Immediate Re...

We call for reform of the police training provided in Chicago.&nbsp...

Support "The Justice Project" by Kim Kardashian

We ask your support in this amazing initiative bought forward to help change the way justice is s...

We NEED To Stop The Killing Of Wolves In Idaho!

We need your help to stop this cruel wolf killing act! Even when we thought things couldn't ...

Nominate Elon Musk for Federal Reserve Chairman

We would like to nominate Elon Musk for the position of federal res...

Immediately establish Oversight Committee for Art...

An oversight committee can ensure that AI tech doesn't escape our control. Accordi...

Now Is The Time To Legalize Cannabis Federally

It is our hope that the senate will legalize cannabis at the federal level.&n...

Kindly Free Edward Snowden with Presidential Pardo...

We demand presidential pardon for our hero Edward Snowden. Edw...

It is about time to LEGALIZE Psilocybin Mushrooms ...

WE DEMAND THE LEGALIZATION OF PSILOCYBIN MUSHROOMS! The Psilocybin mushroom is often regarde...

Release Classified UFO information to American Peo...

No more fact-hiding! All details about the...

STOP the torture of Animals in Laboratories!

Ready to make a change? Don't let animal cruelty and suffering continue - no more cruel...