Kindly Free Edward Snowden with Presidential Pardon

United States

We demand presidential pardon for our hero Edward Snowden.


Edward Snowden, an ex-NSA contractor and whistleblower, fled the United States in 2013 after exposing the illegal mass surveillance that was being conducted at the time by the government and intelligence agencies. Currently, he is based in Russia.

It is in direct conflict with the U.S. government and its agencies to leak highly classified documents disclosing mass surveillance that is being conducted under government directives. This did however raise public awareness of the risks associated with the misuse of surveillance technologies.

The act may be considered unpatriotic by some, but we believe a government employee could not have performed a greater act of public service. It is Edward Snowden's first and foremost duty as a government employee to inform the public of the dangers of NSA surveillance technology in detail while risking his life.

As of now, he lives in exile away from his family, friends, and job, and has not gained anything materialistically from his exile, other than having to uproot his life and livelihood just to inform the public of the ways the technology he helped build could be used to harm the very people and citizens of United States whose tax dollars paid for this technology.

Due to this act directly conflicting with the government, the only way he could return to this country safely is if he were pardoned by the President of the United States and by the Supreme Court of the United States. The primary concern for most government whistleblowers has been that he could be killed if he returns without a pardon.

The treatment he received was unjustified, inhumane and cruel, and what he did was very brave and heroic. This was a tremendous contribution to society. His act brought attention to the perils of modern technology, the dangers of data management, and the ways in which data can be exposed when in the wrong hands. 

According to the Whistleblower Protection Act, he should have been protected. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Having lived in exile since 2013, he has already fulfilled the penalty of performing his duty.

Last but not least, Mr. Snowden will surely be denied a fair trial if he returns to the United States. His charges will be brought under The Espionage Act of 1917, an antiquated act without a whistleblower defense. It is only you, Mr. President, who can prevent Mr Snowden from serving serious prison time for his act of bravery and sacrifice on behalf of the American people.

Please pardon Edward Snowden for the sake of the Republic and its foundation principle, Rule of Law. 

You can help Edward Snowden achieve justice by signing this petition and spreading the word on social media.


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