Now Is The Time To Legalize Cannabis Federally

United States

It is our hope that the senate will legalize cannabis at the federal level.


The Drug Enforcement Agency still classifies cannabis as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Cannabis has no officially recognized medical use and a potentially high abuse potential. (Heroin, LSD, and cocaine are other Schedule I drugs.)


A reintroduction of the Marijuana Justice Act has just been introduced in both the House and the Senate. This bill would legalize marijuana nationwide. By passing the Marijuana Justice Act, marijuana would be removed from the Controlled Substances Act, thereby ending federal criminalization of cannabis.


Among Americans, marijuana possession leads to more arrests than murder, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery (all violent crimes) - combined. 

Under the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, marijuana would be legalized at the federal level, nonviolent offenders' records would be expunged, and social and criminal-justice programs for communities most adversely affected by over policing would be funded.

A separate marijuana-legalization bill is being drafted in the Senate called the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act. In the bill, the federal ban on cannabis will be lifted and cannabis businesses complying with state laws will be allowed to open bank accounts, apply for business loans, and make credit card transactions.

If passed, it will allow for medical research on the value of cannabis in the US. The bill would also lead to criminal justice reform in the country.

As of April 2022, 37 states have legalized its use for medical purposes. Cannabis legalization can reduce the amount of invasive police searches, increasing the public's trust in law enforcement. In addition to creating new jobs, legalization can generate billions of dollars in federal tax revenue.

Now is the right time. We urge the House and Senate to pass the Marijuana Justice Act immediately.


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