STOP This Unethical Act of Cat Dissection In Schools!

United States

Every year, high schools across the country dissect millions of animals, including many cats.

Yes, you read that right!

It is not uncommon for schools to dissect cats, which many of us love and care for as pets. Join the campaign to end cat dissection in U.S. schools by signing this petition.

The practice of animal dissection in schools is cruel and unethical. Animals that are used for dissection in schools suffer all kinds of horrible abuse before they are killed and sold to schools, according to PETA's investigations into biological supply companies. 

One specific type of embalming was found to have occurred before cats actually had any chance of surviving. The cats were also pulled from shelters, pet stores, and the streets, denying them any chance at a loving home.

Approximately 20 million animals are used for “educational purposes” in classrooms in the U.S. each year, according to PETA data.

Cruelty to cats isn't just detrimental to cats; it's detrimental to kids who are taught callousness toward life. Kids are shown playing with mutilated animals during dissection classes in several leaked videos, including jumping rope with a cat's intestine and dancing with cat bodies. It is unconscionable for us to allow kids to dissect these amazing, intelligent creatures, given the link between animal cruelty and violent behavior.

Especially since dissecting animals is a very archaic and unnecessary practice. There is a wide range of dissection alternatives that schools can and should use, from 3-D models to digital simulation programs.

We always don't need to go by cruel ways to educate students. This is the moment to speak up. Put an end to cat dissection in schools by signing this petition.


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    United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
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