Support "The Justice Project" by Kim Kardashian

United States

We ask your support in this amazing initiative bought forward to help change the way justice is served in our country.

Famous reality star Kim Kardashian is supporting this important cause to advocate for criminal justice reform in the United States. This is valuable because it highlights the real truth about mass incarceration in America.

Kim Kardashian has been actively participating in the creation of the documentary “The Justice Project". It shares the stories of some inmates who are convicted of crimes and have already served more than their "fair" sentence. This is what Kim Kardashian wants to make people aware of.

In her project, she has featured several inmate stories and worked with lawyers and activists to secure their release focusing on their stories on an individual level.

The documentary highlights the importance of rehabilitation over retribution. Our decades-long obsession with punishment has corrupted our systems.

Kim Kardashian West is not the real takeaway here. Sure, fame is a driving force for our culture. But clearly, this famous person is drawing attention to the truth about mass incarceration in the United States through his or her work and leverage. 

The rest of Kardashian West's campaign for prison reform includes lobbying Trump to pass the First Step Act, a bipartisan legislation designed to reduce recidivism among those released from prison as well as improve services inside and outside prison.

A message like this doesn't require you to like Kim Kardashian West - or even be a fan of her. All we need to remember is the immense steps that have been taken towards criminal reform.

Let's support Kim Kardashian in this awesome initiative to reform the criminal justice system. The project focuses on inmates' stories from a humanitarian perspective. 

This project is aspirational and a call-to-action which is impactful and a huge support can keep this going in the right direction especially when it comes to our justice system.


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