The average American rural home does not have Internet access. Congress needs to rectify this!

United States

It is estimated that by 2022, many of us will have broadband access. The internet is integral to modern life: not only in terms of work and education but also in terms of socializing, entertainment, health and wellbeing, and staying informed about global events and national happenings.

Yet, even basic broadband is out of reach for millions of Americans, so they cannot get jobs or connect with the outside world. Congress needs to act now to resolve this harmfully unequal situation. 

Now is the time for a petition to demand that rural communities access higher-quality internet! 

Access to the internet has expanded dramatically in the last few decades, allowing hundreds of millions of Americans to access the World Wide Web and thus gain access to people and opportunities worldwide. Unfortunately, those expansions have slowed down in recent years, disproportionately impacting rural people. A shocking 15 million Americans do not have access to broadband internet, which is even more astonishing when viewed in the context of other statistics about the country. In addition, a large part of the U.S. economy is located in the United States. 

It is also the largest economy in the world. So what's up with the U.S. government not being able to fund essential infrastructure for rural areas?

In the poorest parts of the country, the internet access gap is especially stark. However, increasing broadband access can also dramatically reduce the huge wealth gap between the nation's highest and lowest-income residents. According to researchers, higher broadband adoption rates contribute to higher incomes, lower unemployment, and more significant economic growth. Moreover, tele health access can mean life or death for those who live in rural communities far from the nearest medical facilities. 

The COVID-19 conference has reminded us how vital the internet is to our everyday lives for two years. During lockdowns, quarantines, and social isolation periods, Americans were forced to continue working, studying, and accessing their healthcare providers, but now those obligations have become primarily virtual. There is no excuse for such vast disparities in internet access in the 21st century. 

We must pressure Congress to fund internet expansion and quality improvements in rural areas!

Sign the petition now if you agree!


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